When skillfully executed, permission e-mail marketing can help you achieve your marketing objectives at a much lower cost than a traditional direct marketing. The key to success with permission e-mail marketing lies in mastering its three components list selection/targeting, copywriting/design, and marketing intelligence, and using them in conjunction with serial storytelling.
The Internet makes it possible for your company to create its own permission e-mail marketing database. Some people refer to such a database as a house list or a permission asset. Comprised of both existing and prospective customers, a marketing database dramatically lowers the cost of producing leads, sales (including cross-sales), and referrals.
One of the best ways to build and replenish your own marketing database and generate some sales in the process is to mine someone elses marketing databasei.e., run an advertising campaign using CAN-SPAM-compliant third-party opt-in lists and e-mail newsletter networks.
You're Busy. We Can Help.
We can help you plan such a campaign at the lowest possible cost, write and design effective messages, and analyze their performance, tweaking them as necessary. But most importantly, we can help you apply a powerful e-mail marketing methodology we developed called serial storytelling.
Contact us today to discuss your next e-mail campaign |